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Celebrate the Female Spirit

Please join me in applauding all the efforts led by women in every corner of the world, the tireless work done by women to raise children, to care for their families, communities, society, and promote a peaceful world that starts right from the beginning; at birth, with selfless nurturing by all the women surrounding us: mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, to raise the next generation to lead us to a better place.

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National Hair Loss Awareness Month: August 2017

Hair loss does not affect just the hair!  It affects the way we feel, act and look; it affects our skin, our hearts, souls and minds.  We have seen children and adults, males and females alike, devastated by hair loss. Therefore, treating hair loss is such a rewarding experience, especially when we can deliver the results in such an effective, safe and innovative fashion.

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When Does The Circle Become a Full One?

After 37 years in biology, medicine, dermatology, research and development I have posed the question to myself almost on a daily basis. When does a proactive lifestyle, preventive skin care, dermatological treatment, and aesthetic dermatology flow into each other? According…

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A Few Minutes Could Save Your Life

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than one million skin cancers are diagnosed annually. Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) belong to the non-melanoma type of skin cancer, while…

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Red Skin Syndrome

I first saw Michael in early 2007. He came in with a generalized reddish, scaly, peeling eruption that was covering him from head to toe. He was desperate as he was seen by several other dermatologists searching for an effective…

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